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Models and enums used for application commands on Discord.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""Models and enums used for application commands on Discord."""
from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = (

import typing

import attr

from hikari import snowflakes
from hikari import traits
from hikari import undefined
from hikari.internal import attr_extensions
from hikari.internal import enums

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from hikari import channels
    from hikari import guilds

class CommandType(int, enums.Enum):
    """The type of a command."""

    SLASH = 1
    """A text-based command."""

    USER = 2
    """A user-based command."""

    MESSAGE = 3
    """A message-based command."""
class OptionType(int, enums.Enum):
    """The type of a command option."""

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command."""

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command group."""

    STRING = 3
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a string."""

    INTEGER = 4
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a int.

    This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.

    BOOLEAN = 5
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a bool."""

    USER = 6
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a user."""

    CHANNEL = 7
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a channel."""

    ROLE = 8
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a role."""

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a snowflake ID."""

    FLOAT = 10
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a float.

    This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be an attachment."""

@attr.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandChoice:
    """Represents the choices set for an application command's argument."""

    name: str = attr.field(repr=True)
    """The choice's name (inclusively between 1-100 characters)."""

    value: typing.Union[str, int, float] = attr.field(repr=True)
    """Value of the choice (up to 100 characters if a string)."""

@attr.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandOption:
    """Represents an application command's argument."""

    type: typing.Union[OptionType, int] = attr.field(repr=True)
    """The type of command option this is."""

    name: str = attr.field(repr=True)
    r"""The command option's name.

    .. note::
        This will match the regex `^[\w-]{1,32}$` in Unicode mode and will be

    description: str = attr.field(repr=False)
    """The command option's description.

    .. note::
        This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

    is_required: bool = attr.field(default=False, repr=False)
    """Whether this command option is required."""

    choices: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[CommandChoice]] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """A sequence of up to (and including) 25 choices for this command.

    This will be `None` if the input values for this option aren't
    limited to specific values or if it's a subcommand or subcommand-group type

    options: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command option."""

    channel_types: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[channels.ChannelType, int]]] = attr.field(
        default=None, repr=False
    """The channel types that this option will accept.

    If `None`, then all channel types will be accepted.

    autocomplete: bool = attr.field(default=False, repr=False)
    """Whether this option has autocomplete."""

    min_value: typing.Union[int, float, None] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """The minimum value permitted (inclusive).

    This will be `int` if the type of the option is `hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER`
    and `float` if the type is `hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT`.

    max_value: typing.Union[int, float, None] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """The maximum value permitted (inclusive).

    This will be `int` if the type of the option is `hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER`
    and `float` if the type is `hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT`.

@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class PartialCommand(snowflakes.Unique):
    """Represents any application command on Discord."""

    app: traits.RESTAware = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """The client application that models may use for procedures."""

    id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(hash=True, repr=True)
    # <<inherited docstring from Unique>>.

    type: CommandType = attr.field(hash=True, repr=True)
    """The type of a command."""

    application_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """ID of the application this command belongs to."""

    name: str = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    r"""The command's name.

    .. note::
        This will match the regex `^[\w-]{1,32}$` in Unicode mode and will be

    default_permission: bool = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """Whether the command is enabled by default when added to a guild.

    Defaults to `True`. This behaviour is overridden by command

    guild_id: typing.Optional[snowflakes.Snowflake] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """ID of the guild this command is in.

    This will be `None` if this is a global command.

    version: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """Auto-incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes."""

    async def fetch_self(self) -> PartialCommand:
        """Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

            Object of the fetched command.

            If you cannot access the target command.
            If the command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id
        return command

    async def edit(
        name: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        description: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        options: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> PartialCommand:
        """Edit this command.

        Other Parameters
        name : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The name to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        description : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The description to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        options : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]]
            A sequence of up to 10 options to set for this command. Leave this as
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` to not change.

            The edited command object.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If any of the fields that are passed have an invalid value.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id,
        return command

    async def delete(self) -> None:
        """Delete this command.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id

    async def fetch_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], /
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to fetch the command permissions for.

            Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild

    async def set_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

        .. note::
            This overwrites any previously set permissions.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to set the command permissions in.
        permissions : typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
            Sequence of up to 10 of the permission objects to set.

            Object of the set permissions.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild, permissions=permissions

@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class SlashCommand(PartialCommand):
    """Represents a slash command on Discord."""

    description: str = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """The command's description.

    None if this command is not a slash command.

    .. note::
        This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

    options: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command."""

@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class ContextMenuCommand(PartialCommand):
    """Represents a slash command on Discord."""

class CommandPermissionType(int, enums.Enum):
    """The type of entity a command permission targets."""

    ROLE = 1
    """A command permission which toggles access for a specific role."""

    USER = 2
    """A command permission which toggles access for a specific user."""

@attr.define(kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandPermission:
    """Representation of a permission which enables or disables a command for a user or role."""

    id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(converter=snowflakes.Snowflake)
    """Id of the role or user this permission changes the permission's state for."""

    type: typing.Union[CommandPermissionType, int] = attr.field(converter=CommandPermissionType)
    """The entity this permission overrides the command's state for."""

    has_access: bool = attr.field()
    """Whether this permission marks the target entity as having access to the command."""

@attr.define(kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class GuildCommandPermissions:
    """Representation of the permissions set for a command within a guild."""

    application_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field()
    """ID of the application the relevant command belongs to."""

    command_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field()
    """ID of the command these permissions are for."""

    guild_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field()
    """ID of the guild these permissions are in."""

    permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission] = attr.field()
    """Sequence of up to (and including) 10 of the command permissions set in this guild."""
@attr.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandChoice:
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@attr.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandChoice:
    """Represents the choices set for an application command's argument."""

    name: str = attr.field(repr=True)
    """The choice's name (inclusively between 1-100 characters)."""

    value: typing.Union[str, int, float] = attr.field(repr=True)
    """Value of the choice (up to 100 characters if a string)."""

Represents the choices set for an application command's argument.

Variables and properties
#  name: str

The choice's name (inclusively between 1-100 characters).

#  value: Union[str, int, float]

Value of the choice (up to 100 characters if a string).

#  def __init__(self, *, name: str, value: Union[str, int, float]):
View Source
def __init__(self, *, name, value): = name
    self.value = value

Method generated by attrs for class CommandChoice.

@attr.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandOption:
View Source
@attr.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandOption:
    """Represents an application command's argument."""

    type: typing.Union[OptionType, int] = attr.field(repr=True)
    """The type of command option this is."""

    name: str = attr.field(repr=True)
    r"""The command option's name.

    .. note::
        This will match the regex `^[\w-]{1,32}$` in Unicode mode and will be

    description: str = attr.field(repr=False)
    """The command option's description.

    .. note::
        This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

    is_required: bool = attr.field(default=False, repr=False)
    """Whether this command option is required."""

    choices: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[CommandChoice]] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """A sequence of up to (and including) 25 choices for this command.

    This will be `None` if the input values for this option aren't
    limited to specific values or if it's a subcommand or subcommand-group type

    options: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command option."""

    channel_types: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[channels.ChannelType, int]]] = attr.field(
        default=None, repr=False
    """The channel types that this option will accept.

    If `None`, then all channel types will be accepted.

    autocomplete: bool = attr.field(default=False, repr=False)
    """Whether this option has autocomplete."""

    min_value: typing.Union[int, float, None] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """The minimum value permitted (inclusive).

    This will be `int` if the type of the option is `hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER`
    and `float` if the type is `hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT`.

    max_value: typing.Union[int, float, None] = attr.field(default=None, repr=False)
    """The maximum value permitted (inclusive).

    This will be `int` if the type of the option is `hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER`
    and `float` if the type is `hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT`.

Represents an application command's argument.

Variables and properties
#  autocomplete: bool

Whether this option has autocomplete.

#  channel_types: Optional[Sequence[Union[hikari.channels.ChannelType, int]]]

The channel types that this option will accept.

If None, then all channel types will be accepted.

#  choices: Optional[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandChoice]]

A sequence of up to (and including) 25 choices for this command.

This will be None if the input values for this option aren't limited to specific values or if it's a subcommand or subcommand-group type option.

#  description: str

The command option's description.

Note: This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

#  is_required: bool

Whether this command option is required.

#  max_value: Union[int, float, NoneType]

The maximum value permitted (inclusive).

This will be int if the type of the option is hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER and float if the type is hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT.

#  min_value: Union[int, float, NoneType]

The minimum value permitted (inclusive).

This will be int if the type of the option is hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER and float if the type is hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT.

#  name: str

The command option's name.

Note: This will match the regex ^[\w-]{1,32}$ in Unicode mode and will be lowercase.

#  options: Optional[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption]]

Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command option.

The type of command option this is.

#  def __init__(
   type: Union[hikari.commands.OptionType, int],
   name: str,
   description: str,
   is_required: bool = False,
   choices: Optional[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandChoice]] = None,
   options: Optional[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption]] = None,
   channel_types: Optional[Sequence[Union[hikari.channels.ChannelType, int]]] = None,
   autocomplete: bool = False,
   min_value: Union[int, float, NoneType] = None,
   max_value: Union[int, float, NoneType] = None
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def __init__(self, *, type, name, description, is_required=attr_dict['is_required'].default, choices=attr_dict['choices'].default, options=attr_dict['options'].default, channel_types=attr_dict['channel_types'].default, autocomplete=attr_dict['autocomplete'].default, min_value=attr_dict['min_value'].default, max_value=attr_dict['max_value'].default):
    self.type = type = name
    self.description = description
    self.is_required = is_required
    self.choices = choices
    self.options = options
    self.channel_types = channel_types
    self.autocomplete = autocomplete
    self.min_value = min_value
    self.max_value = max_value

Method generated by attrs for class CommandOption.

@attr.define(kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandPermission:
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@attr.define(kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class CommandPermission:
    """Representation of a permission which enables or disables a command for a user or role."""

    id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(converter=snowflakes.Snowflake)
    """Id of the role or user this permission changes the permission's state for."""

    type: typing.Union[CommandPermissionType, int] = attr.field(converter=CommandPermissionType)
    """The entity this permission overrides the command's state for."""

    has_access: bool = attr.field()
    """Whether this permission marks the target entity as having access to the command."""

Representation of a permission which enables or disables a command for a user or role.

Variables and properties
#  has_access: bool

Whether this permission marks the target entity as having access to the command.

Id of the role or user this permission changes the permission's state for.

The entity this permission overrides the command's state for.

#  def __init__(self, *, id, type: Any, has_access: bool):
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def __init__(self, *, id, type, has_access):
    _setattr = _cached_setattr.__get__(self, self.__class__)
    _setattr('id', __attr_converter_id(id))
    _setattr('type', __attr_converter_type(type))
    _setattr('has_access', has_access)

Method generated by attrs for class CommandPermission.

#  class CommandPermissionType(, hikari.internal.enums.Enum):
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class CommandPermissionType(int, enums.Enum):
    """The type of entity a command permission targets."""

    ROLE = 1
    """A command permission which toggles access for a specific role."""

    USER = 2
    """A command permission which toggles access for a specific user."""

The type of entity a command permission targets.

Variables and properties

A command permission which toggles access for a specific role.


A command permission which toggles access for a specific user.

#  denominator

the denominator of a rational number in lowest terms

#  imag

the imaginary part of a complex number

#  name: str

Return the name of the enum member as a str.

#  numerator

the numerator of a rational number in lowest terms

#  real

the real part of a complex number

#  value

Return the value of the enum member.

#  def __init__(cls, value: Any):
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    def __call__(cls, value: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        """Cast a value to the enum, returning the raw value that was passed if value not found."""
            return cls._value_to_member_map_[value]
        except KeyError:
            # If we can't find the value, just return what got casted in
            return value

Cast a value to the enum, returning the raw value that was passed if value not found.

#  def as_integer_ratio(self, /):

Return integer ratio.

Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is exactly equal to the original int and with a positive denominator.

>>> (10).as_integer_ratio()
(10, 1)
>>> (-10).as_integer_ratio()
(-10, 1)
>>> (0).as_integer_ratio()
(0, 1)
#  def bit_length(self, /):

Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary.

>>> bin(37)
>>> (37).bit_length()
#  def conjugate(unknown):

Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.

#  def from_bytes(type, /, bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False):

Return the integer represented by the given array of bytes.

bytes Holds the array of bytes to convert. The argument must either support the buffer protocol or be an iterable object producing bytes. Bytes and bytearray are examples of built-in objects that support the buffer protocol. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. signed Indicates whether two's complement is used to represent the integer.

#  def to_bytes(self, /, length, byteorder, *, signed=False):

Return an array of bytes representing an integer.

length Length of bytes object to use. An OverflowError is raised if the integer is not representable with the given number of bytes. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. signed Determines whether two's complement is used to represent the integer. If signed is False and a negative integer is given, an OverflowError is raised.

#  class CommandType(, hikari.internal.enums.Enum):
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class CommandType(int, enums.Enum):
    """The type of a command."""

    SLASH = 1
    """A text-based command."""

    USER = 2
    """A user-based command."""

    MESSAGE = 3
    """A message-based command."""

The type of a command.

Variables and properties

A message-based command.


A text-based command.


A user-based command.

#  denominator

the denominator of a rational number in lowest terms

#  imag

the imaginary part of a complex number

#  name: str

Return the name of the enum member as a str.

#  numerator

the numerator of a rational number in lowest terms

#  real

the real part of a complex number

#  value

Return the value of the enum member.

#  def __init__(cls, value: Any):
View Source
    def __call__(cls, value: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        """Cast a value to the enum, returning the raw value that was passed if value not found."""
            return cls._value_to_member_map_[value]
        except KeyError:
            # If we can't find the value, just return what got casted in
            return value

Cast a value to the enum, returning the raw value that was passed if value not found.

#  def as_integer_ratio(self, /):

Return integer ratio.

Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is exactly equal to the original int and with a positive denominator.

>>> (10).as_integer_ratio()
(10, 1)
>>> (-10).as_integer_ratio()
(-10, 1)
>>> (0).as_integer_ratio()
(0, 1)
#  def bit_length(self, /):

Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary.

>>> bin(37)
>>> (37).bit_length()
#  def conjugate(unknown):

Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.

#  def from_bytes(type, /, bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False):

Return the integer represented by the given array of bytes.

bytes Holds the array of bytes to convert. The argument must either support the buffer protocol or be an iterable object producing bytes. Bytes and bytearray are examples of built-in objects that support the buffer protocol. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. signed Indicates whether two's complement is used to represent the integer.

#  def to_bytes(self, /, length, byteorder, *, signed=False):

Return an array of bytes representing an integer.

length Length of bytes object to use. An OverflowError is raised if the integer is not representable with the given number of bytes. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. signed Determines whether two's complement is used to represent the integer. If signed is False and a negative integer is given, an OverflowError is raised.

@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class ContextMenuCommand(PartialCommand):
View Source
@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class ContextMenuCommand(PartialCommand):
    """Represents a slash command on Discord."""

Represents a slash command on Discord.

Variables and properties

The client application that models may use for procedures.

ID of the application this command belongs to.

#  created_at: datetime.datetime

When the object was created.

#  default_permission: bool

Whether the command is enabled by default when added to a guild.

Defaults to True. This behaviour is overridden by command permissions.

ID of the guild this command is in.

This will be None if this is a global command.

#  name: str

The command's name.

Note: This will match the regex ^[\w-]{1,32}$ in Unicode mode and will be lowercase.

The type of a command.

Auto-incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes.

#  def __init__(
   app: hikari.traits.RESTAware,
   id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   type: hikari.commands.CommandType,
   application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   name: str,
   default_permission: bool,
   guild_id: Optional[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake],
   version: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake
View Source
def __init__(self, *, app, id, type, application_id, name, default_permission, guild_id, version): = app = id
    self.type = type
    self.application_id = application_id = name
    self.default_permission = default_permission
    self.guild_id = guild_id
    self.version = version

Method generated by attrs for class ContextMenuCommand.

#  async def delete(self) -> None:
View Source
    async def delete(self) -> None:
        """Delete this command.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id

Delete this command.

  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the application's commands.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def edit(
   name: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   description: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   options: Union[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED
) -> hikari.commands.PartialCommand:
View Source
    async def edit(
        name: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        description: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        options: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> PartialCommand:
        """Edit this command.

        Other Parameters
        name : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The name to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        description : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The description to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        options : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]]
            A sequence of up to 10 options to set for this command. Leave this as
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` to not change.

            The edited command object.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If any of the fields that are passed have an invalid value.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id,
        return command

Edit this command.

Other Parameters
  • PartialCommand: The edited command object.
#  async def fetch_guild_permissions(
   guild: Union[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
) -> hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
    async def fetch_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], /
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to fetch the command permissions for.

            Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild

Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

  • GuildCommandPermissions: Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.
  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the provided application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def fetch_self(self) -> hikari.commands.PartialCommand:
View Source
    async def fetch_self(self) -> PartialCommand:
        """Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

            Object of the fetched command.

            If you cannot access the target command.
            If the command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id
        return command

Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

  • PartialCommand: Object of the fetched command.
#  async def set_guild_permissions(
   guild: Union[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
   permissions: Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandPermission]
) -> hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
    async def set_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

        .. note::
            This overwrites any previously set permissions.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to set the command permissions in.
        permissions : typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
            Sequence of up to 10 of the permission objects to set.

            Object of the set permissions.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild, permissions=permissions

Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

Note: This overwrites any previously set permissions.

  • GuildCommandPermissions: Object of the set permissions.
  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the provided application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
@attr.define(kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
@attr.define(kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class GuildCommandPermissions:
    """Representation of the permissions set for a command within a guild."""

    application_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field()
    """ID of the application the relevant command belongs to."""

    command_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field()
    """ID of the command these permissions are for."""

    guild_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field()
    """ID of the guild these permissions are in."""

    permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission] = attr.field()
    """Sequence of up to (and including) 10 of the command permissions set in this guild."""

Representation of the permissions set for a command within a guild.

Variables and properties

ID of the application the relevant command belongs to.

ID of the command these permissions are for.

ID of the guild these permissions are in.

Sequence of up to (and including) 10 of the command permissions set in this guild.

#  def __init__(
   application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   command_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   guild_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   permissions: Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandPermission]
View Source
def __init__(self, *, application_id, command_id, guild_id, permissions):
    self.application_id = application_id
    self.command_id = command_id
    self.guild_id = guild_id
    self.permissions = permissions

Method generated by attrs for class GuildCommandPermissions.

class OptionType(, hikari.internal.enums.Enum):
View Source
class OptionType(int, enums.Enum):
    """The type of a command option."""

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command."""

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command group."""

    STRING = 3
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a string."""

    INTEGER = 4
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a int.

    This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.

    BOOLEAN = 5
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a bool."""

    USER = 6
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a user."""

    CHANNEL = 7
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a channel."""

    ROLE = 8
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a role."""

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a snowflake ID."""

    FLOAT = 10
    """Denotes a command option where the value will be a float.

    This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.

    """Denotes a command option where the value will be an attachment."""

The type of a command option.

Variables and properties

Denotes a command option where the value will be an attachment.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a bool.


Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a channel.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a float.

This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a int.

This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a snowflake ID.


Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a role.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a string.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command.


Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command group.


Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a user.

#  denominator

the denominator of a rational number in lowest terms

#  imag

the imaginary part of a complex number

#  name: str

Return the name of the enum member as a str.

#  numerator

the numerator of a rational number in lowest terms

#  real

the real part of a complex number

#  value

Return the value of the enum member.

#  def __init__(cls, value: Any):
View Source
    def __call__(cls, value: typing.Any) -> typing.Any:
        """Cast a value to the enum, returning the raw value that was passed if value not found."""
            return cls._value_to_member_map_[value]
        except KeyError:
            # If we can't find the value, just return what got casted in
            return value

Cast a value to the enum, returning the raw value that was passed if value not found.

#  def as_integer_ratio(self, /):

Return integer ratio.

Return a pair of integers, whose ratio is exactly equal to the original int and with a positive denominator.

>>> (10).as_integer_ratio()
(10, 1)
>>> (-10).as_integer_ratio()
(-10, 1)
>>> (0).as_integer_ratio()
(0, 1)
#  def bit_length(self, /):

Number of bits necessary to represent self in binary.

>>> bin(37)
>>> (37).bit_length()
#  def conjugate(unknown):

Returns self, the complex conjugate of any int.

#  def from_bytes(type, /, bytes, byteorder, *, signed=False):

Return the integer represented by the given array of bytes.

bytes Holds the array of bytes to convert. The argument must either support the buffer protocol or be an iterable object producing bytes. Bytes and bytearray are examples of built-in objects that support the buffer protocol. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. signed Indicates whether two's complement is used to represent the integer.

#  def to_bytes(self, /, length, byteorder, *, signed=False):

Return an array of bytes representing an integer.

length Length of bytes object to use. An OverflowError is raised if the integer is not representable with the given number of bytes. byteorder The byte order used to represent the integer. If byteorder is 'big', the most significant byte is at the beginning of the byte array. If byteorder is 'little', the most significant byte is at the end of the byte array. To request the native byte order of the host system, use `sys.byteorder' as the byte order value. signed Determines whether two's complement is used to represent the integer. If signed is False and a negative integer is given, an OverflowError is raised.

@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class PartialCommand(hikari.snowflakes.Unique):
View Source
@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class PartialCommand(snowflakes.Unique):
    """Represents any application command on Discord."""

    app: traits.RESTAware = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """The client application that models may use for procedures."""

    id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(hash=True, repr=True)
    # <<inherited docstring from Unique>>.

    type: CommandType = attr.field(hash=True, repr=True)
    """The type of a command."""

    application_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """ID of the application this command belongs to."""

    name: str = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    r"""The command's name.

    .. note::
        This will match the regex `^[\w-]{1,32}$` in Unicode mode and will be

    default_permission: bool = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """Whether the command is enabled by default when added to a guild.

    Defaults to `True`. This behaviour is overridden by command

    guild_id: typing.Optional[snowflakes.Snowflake] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """ID of the guild this command is in.

    This will be `None` if this is a global command.

    version: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """Auto-incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes."""

    async def fetch_self(self) -> PartialCommand:
        """Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

            Object of the fetched command.

            If you cannot access the target command.
            If the command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id
        return command

    async def edit(
        name: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        description: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        options: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> PartialCommand:
        """Edit this command.

        Other Parameters
        name : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The name to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        description : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The description to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        options : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]]
            A sequence of up to 10 options to set for this command. Leave this as
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` to not change.

            The edited command object.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If any of the fields that are passed have an invalid value.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id,
        return command

    async def delete(self) -> None:
        """Delete this command.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id

    async def fetch_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], /
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to fetch the command permissions for.

            Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild

    async def set_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

        .. note::
            This overwrites any previously set permissions.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to set the command permissions in.
        permissions : typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
            Sequence of up to 10 of the permission objects to set.

            Object of the set permissions.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild, permissions=permissions

Represents any application command on Discord.

Variables and properties

The client application that models may use for procedures.

ID of the application this command belongs to.

#  created_at: datetime.datetime

When the object was created.

#  default_permission: bool

Whether the command is enabled by default when added to a guild.

Defaults to True. This behaviour is overridden by command permissions.

ID of the guild this command is in.

This will be None if this is a global command.

#  name: str

The command's name.

Note: This will match the regex ^[\w-]{1,32}$ in Unicode mode and will be lowercase.

The type of a command.

Auto-incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes.

#  def __init__(
   app: hikari.traits.RESTAware,
   id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   type: hikari.commands.CommandType,
   application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   name: str,
   default_permission: bool,
   guild_id: Optional[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake],
   version: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake
View Source
def __init__(self, *, app, id, type, application_id, name, default_permission, guild_id, version): = app = id
    self.type = type
    self.application_id = application_id = name
    self.default_permission = default_permission
    self.guild_id = guild_id
    self.version = version

Method generated by attrs for class PartialCommand.

#  async def delete(self) -> None:
View Source
    async def delete(self) -> None:
        """Delete this command.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id

Delete this command.

  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the application's commands.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def edit(
   name: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   description: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   options: Union[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED
) -> hikari.commands.PartialCommand:
View Source
    async def edit(
        name: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        description: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        options: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> PartialCommand:
        """Edit this command.

        Other Parameters
        name : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The name to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        description : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The description to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        options : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]]
            A sequence of up to 10 options to set for this command. Leave this as
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` to not change.

            The edited command object.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If any of the fields that are passed have an invalid value.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id,
        return command

Edit this command.

Other Parameters
  • PartialCommand: The edited command object.
#  async def fetch_guild_permissions(
   guild: Union[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
) -> hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
    async def fetch_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], /
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to fetch the command permissions for.

            Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild

Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

  • GuildCommandPermissions: Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.
  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the provided application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def fetch_self(self) -> hikari.commands.PartialCommand:
View Source
    async def fetch_self(self) -> PartialCommand:
        """Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

            Object of the fetched command.

            If you cannot access the target command.
            If the command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id
        return command

Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

  • PartialCommand: Object of the fetched command.
#  async def set_guild_permissions(
   guild: Union[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
   permissions: Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandPermission]
) -> hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
    async def set_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

        .. note::
            This overwrites any previously set permissions.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to set the command permissions in.
        permissions : typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
            Sequence of up to 10 of the permission objects to set.

            Object of the set permissions.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild, permissions=permissions

Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

Note: This overwrites any previously set permissions.

  • GuildCommandPermissions: Object of the set permissions.
  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the provided application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class SlashCommand(PartialCommand):
View Source
@attr.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
class SlashCommand(PartialCommand):
    """Represents a slash command on Discord."""

    description: str = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """The command's description.

    None if this command is not a slash command.

    .. note::
        This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

    options: typing.Optional[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
    """Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command."""

Represents a slash command on Discord.

Variables and properties

The client application that models may use for procedures.

ID of the application this command belongs to.

#  created_at: datetime.datetime

When the object was created.

#  default_permission: bool

Whether the command is enabled by default when added to a guild.

Defaults to True. This behaviour is overridden by command permissions.

#  description: str

The command's description.

None if this command is not a slash command.

Note: This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

ID of the guild this command is in.

This will be None if this is a global command.

#  name: str

The command's name.

Note: This will match the regex ^[\w-]{1,32}$ in Unicode mode and will be lowercase.

#  options: Optional[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption]]

Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command.

The type of a command.

Auto-incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes.

#  def __init__(
   app: hikari.traits.RESTAware,
   id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   type: hikari.commands.CommandType,
   application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   name: str,
   default_permission: bool,
   guild_id: Optional[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake],
   version: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   description: str,
   options: Optional[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption]]
View Source
def __init__(self, *, app, id, type, application_id, name, default_permission, guild_id, version, description, options): = app = id
    self.type = type
    self.application_id = application_id = name
    self.default_permission = default_permission
    self.guild_id = guild_id
    self.version = version
    self.description = description
    self.options = options

Method generated by attrs for class SlashCommand.

#  async def delete(self) -> None:
View Source
    async def delete(self) -> None:
        """Delete this command.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id

Delete this command.

  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the application's commands.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def edit(
   name: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   description: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   options: Union[Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandOption], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED
) -> hikari.commands.PartialCommand:
View Source
    async def edit(
        name: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        description: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        options: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> PartialCommand:
        """Edit this command.

        Other Parameters
        name : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The name to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        description : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            The description to set for the command. Leave as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`
            to not change.
        options : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[CommandOption]]
            A sequence of up to 10 options to set for this command. Leave this as
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` to not change.

            The edited command object.

            If you cannot access the application's commands.
            If the application or command isn't found.
            If any of the fields that are passed have an invalid value.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id,
        return command

Edit this command.

Other Parameters
  • PartialCommand: The edited command object.
#  async def fetch_guild_permissions(
   guild: Union[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
) -> hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
    async def fetch_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], /
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to fetch the command permissions for.

            Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild

Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.

  • GuildCommandPermissions: Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.
  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the provided application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def fetch_self(self) -> hikari.commands.PartialCommand:
View Source
    async def fetch_self(self) -> PartialCommand:
        """Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

            Object of the fetched command.

            If you cannot access the target command.
            If the command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        command = await
            self.application_id,, undefined.UNDEFINED if self.guild_id is None else self.guild_id
        return command

Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.

  • PartialCommand: Object of the fetched command.
#  async def set_guild_permissions(
   guild: Union[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
   permissions: Sequence[hikari.commands.CommandPermission]
) -> hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions:
View Source
    async def set_guild_permissions(
        self, guild: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[guilds.PartialGuild], permissions: typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
    ) -> GuildCommandPermissions:
        """Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

        .. note::
            This overwrites any previously set permissions.

        guild : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.guilds.PartialGuild]]
            Object or ID of the guild to set the command permissions in.
        permissions : typing.Sequence[CommandPermission]
            Sequence of up to 10 of the permission objects to set.

            Object of the set permissions.

            If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
            If the provided application or command isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await
            application=self.application_id,, guild=guild, permissions=permissions

Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.

Note: This overwrites any previously set permissions.

  • GuildCommandPermissions: Object of the set permissions.
  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the provided application's commands or guild.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the provided application or command isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.