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Models and enums used for Discord's Components interaction flow.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""Models and enums used for Discord's Components interaction flow."""
from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("ComponentInteraction", "COMPONENT_RESPONSE_TYPES", "ComponentResponseTypesT")

import typing

import attr

from hikari import channels
from hikari import traits
from hikari.interactions import base_interactions

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from hikari import guilds
    from hikari import locales
    from hikari import messages
    from hikari import snowflakes
    from hikari import users
    from hikari.api import special_endpoints

_DEFERRED_TYPES: typing.AbstractSet[_DeferredTypesT] = frozenset(
    [base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE]
_DeferredTypesT = typing.Literal[
    base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, 5, base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE, 6
_IMMEDIATE_TYPES: typing.AbstractSet[_ImmediateTypesT] = frozenset(
    [base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE]
_ImmediateTypesT = typing.Literal[
    base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, 4, base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE, 7

COMPONENT_RESPONSE_TYPES: typing.Final[typing.AbstractSet[ComponentResponseTypesT]] = frozenset(
"""Set of the response types which are valid for a component interaction.

This includes:

* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE`
* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE`
* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE`
* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE`

ComponentResponseTypesT = typing.Union[_ImmediateTypesT, _DeferredTypesT]
"""Type-hint of the response types which are valid for a component interaction.

The following types are valid for this:

* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE`/`4`
* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE`/`5`
* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE`/`6`
* `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE`/`7`

@attr.define(hash=True, weakref_slot=False)
class ComponentInteraction(base_interactions.MessageResponseMixin[ComponentResponseTypesT]):
    """Represents a component interaction on Discord."""

    channel_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(eq=False)
    """ID of the channel this interaction was triggered in."""

    component_type: typing.Union[messages.ComponentType, int] = attr.field(eq=False)
    """The type of component which triggers this interaction.

    .. note::
        This will never be `ButtonStyle.LINK` as link buttons don't trigger

    custom_id: str = attr.field(eq=False)
    """Developer defined ID of the component which triggered this interaction."""

    values: typing.Sequence[str] = attr.field(eq=False)
    """Sequence of the values which were selected for a select menu component."""

    guild_id: typing.Optional[snowflakes.Snowflake] = attr.field(eq=False)
    """ID of the guild this interaction was triggered in.

    This will be `None` for component interactions triggered in DMs.

    guild_locale: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, locales.Locale]] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The preferred language of the guild this component interaction was triggered in.

    This will be `None` for component interactions triggered in DMs.

    .. note::
        This value can usually only be changed if `COMMUNITY` is in `hikari.guilds.Guild.features`
        for the guild and will otherwise default to `en-US`.

    message: messages.Message = attr.field(eq=False, repr=False)
    """Object of the message the components for this interaction are attached to."""

    member: typing.Optional[base_interactions.InteractionMember] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The member who triggered this interaction.

    This will be `None` for interactions triggered in DMs.

    .. note::
        This member object comes with the extra field `permissions` which
        contains the member's permissions in the current channel.

    user: users.User = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The user who triggered this interaction."""

    locale: typing.Union[str, locales.Locale] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The selected language of the user who triggered this component interaction."""

    def build_response(self, type_: _ImmediateTypesT, /) -> special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder:
        """Get a message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

        .. note::
            For interactions received over the gateway
            `ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response` should be used to set
            the interaction response message.

        type_ : typing.Union[int, hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType]
            The type of immediate response this should be.

            This may be one of the following:

            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE`
            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE`

        async def handle_component_interaction(interaction: ComponentInteraction) -> InteractionMessageBuilder:
            return (
                .add_embed(Embed(description="Hi there"))

            Interaction message response builder object.
        if type_ not in _IMMEDIATE_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type passed for an immediate response")


    def build_deferred_response(self, type_: _DeferredTypesT, /) -> special_endpoints.InteractionDeferredBuilder:
        """Get a deferred message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

        .. note::
            For interactions received over the gateway
            `ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response` should be used to set
            the interaction response message.

        .. note::
            Unlike `hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder`,
            the result of this call can be returned as is without any modifications
            being made to it.

        type_ : typing.Union[int, hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType]
            The type of deferred response this should be.

            This may be one of the following:

            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE`
            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE`

            Deferred interaction message response builder object.
        if type_ not in _DEFERRED_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type passed for a deferred response")


    async def fetch_channel(self) -> channels.TextableChannel:
        """Fetch the channel this interaction occurred in.

            The channel. This will be a _derivative_ of `hikari.channels.TextableChannel`.

            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If you are missing the `READ_MESSAGES` permission in the channel.
            If the channel is not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        channel = await
        assert isinstance(channel, channels.TextableChannel)
        return channel

    def get_channel(self) -> typing.Union[channels.GuildTextChannel, channels.GuildNewsChannel, None]:
        """Get the guild channel this interaction occurred in.

        .. note::
            This will always return `None` for interactions triggered
            in a DM channel.

        typing.Union[hikari.channels.GuildTextChannel, hikari.channels.GuildNewsChannel, None]
            The object of the guild channel that was found in the cache or
        if isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):
            channel =
            assert isinstance(channel, (channels.GuildTextChannel, channels.GuildNewsChannel))
            return channel

        return None

    async def fetch_guild(self) -> typing.Optional[guilds.RESTGuild]:
        """Fetch the guild this interaction happened in.

            Object of the guild this interaction happened in or `None`
            if this occurred within a DM channel.

            If you are not part of the guild.
            If the guild is not found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        if not self.guild_id:
            return None

        return await

    def get_guild(self) -> typing.Optional[guilds.GatewayGuild]:
        """Get the object of this interaction's guild guild from the cache.

            The object of the guild if found, else `None`.
        if self.guild_id and isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):

        return None

    async def fetch_parent_message(self) -> messages.Message:
        """Fetch the message which this interaction was triggered on.

            The requested message.

            If `token` is not available.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the webhook is not found or the webhook's message wasn't found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await self.fetch_message(

    def get_parent_message(self) -> typing.Optional[messages.PartialMessage]:
        """Get the message which this interaction was triggered on from the cache.

            The object of the message found in the cache or `None`.
        if isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):

        return None
#  COMPONENT_RESPONSE_TYPES: Final[AbstractSet[Union[Literal[<ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE: 4>, 4, <ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE: 7>, 7], Literal[<ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE: 5>, 5, <ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE: 6>, 6]]]]
@attr.define(hash=True, weakref_slot=False)
class ComponentInteraction(hikari.interactions.base_interactions.MessageResponseMixin[typing.Union[typing.Literal[, 4, , 7], typing.Literal[, 5, , 6]]]):
View Source
@attr.define(hash=True, weakref_slot=False)
class ComponentInteraction(base_interactions.MessageResponseMixin[ComponentResponseTypesT]):
    """Represents a component interaction on Discord."""

    channel_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attr.field(eq=False)
    """ID of the channel this interaction was triggered in."""

    component_type: typing.Union[messages.ComponentType, int] = attr.field(eq=False)
    """The type of component which triggers this interaction.

    .. note::
        This will never be `ButtonStyle.LINK` as link buttons don't trigger

    custom_id: str = attr.field(eq=False)
    """Developer defined ID of the component which triggered this interaction."""

    values: typing.Sequence[str] = attr.field(eq=False)
    """Sequence of the values which were selected for a select menu component."""

    guild_id: typing.Optional[snowflakes.Snowflake] = attr.field(eq=False)
    """ID of the guild this interaction was triggered in.

    This will be `None` for component interactions triggered in DMs.

    guild_locale: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, locales.Locale]] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The preferred language of the guild this component interaction was triggered in.

    This will be `None` for component interactions triggered in DMs.

    .. note::
        This value can usually only be changed if `COMMUNITY` is in `hikari.guilds.Guild.features`
        for the guild and will otherwise default to `en-US`.

    message: messages.Message = attr.field(eq=False, repr=False)
    """Object of the message the components for this interaction are attached to."""

    member: typing.Optional[base_interactions.InteractionMember] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The member who triggered this interaction.

    This will be `None` for interactions triggered in DMs.

    .. note::
        This member object comes with the extra field `permissions` which
        contains the member's permissions in the current channel.

    user: users.User = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The user who triggered this interaction."""

    locale: typing.Union[str, locales.Locale] = attr.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
    """The selected language of the user who triggered this component interaction."""

    def build_response(self, type_: _ImmediateTypesT, /) -> special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder:
        """Get a message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

        .. note::
            For interactions received over the gateway
            `ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response` should be used to set
            the interaction response message.

        type_ : typing.Union[int, hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType]
            The type of immediate response this should be.

            This may be one of the following:

            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE`
            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE`

        async def handle_component_interaction(interaction: ComponentInteraction) -> InteractionMessageBuilder:
            return (
                .add_embed(Embed(description="Hi there"))

            Interaction message response builder object.
        if type_ not in _IMMEDIATE_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type passed for an immediate response")


    def build_deferred_response(self, type_: _DeferredTypesT, /) -> special_endpoints.InteractionDeferredBuilder:
        """Get a deferred message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

        .. note::
            For interactions received over the gateway
            `ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response` should be used to set
            the interaction response message.

        .. note::
            Unlike `hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder`,
            the result of this call can be returned as is without any modifications
            being made to it.

        type_ : typing.Union[int, hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType]
            The type of deferred response this should be.

            This may be one of the following:

            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE`
            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE`

            Deferred interaction message response builder object.
        if type_ not in _DEFERRED_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type passed for a deferred response")


    async def fetch_channel(self) -> channels.TextableChannel:
        """Fetch the channel this interaction occurred in.

            The channel. This will be a _derivative_ of `hikari.channels.TextableChannel`.

            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If you are missing the `READ_MESSAGES` permission in the channel.
            If the channel is not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        channel = await
        assert isinstance(channel, channels.TextableChannel)
        return channel

    def get_channel(self) -> typing.Union[channels.GuildTextChannel, channels.GuildNewsChannel, None]:
        """Get the guild channel this interaction occurred in.

        .. note::
            This will always return `None` for interactions triggered
            in a DM channel.

        typing.Union[hikari.channels.GuildTextChannel, hikari.channels.GuildNewsChannel, None]
            The object of the guild channel that was found in the cache or
        if isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):
            channel =
            assert isinstance(channel, (channels.GuildTextChannel, channels.GuildNewsChannel))
            return channel

        return None

    async def fetch_guild(self) -> typing.Optional[guilds.RESTGuild]:
        """Fetch the guild this interaction happened in.

            Object of the guild this interaction happened in or `None`
            if this occurred within a DM channel.

            If you are not part of the guild.
            If the guild is not found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        if not self.guild_id:
            return None

        return await

    def get_guild(self) -> typing.Optional[guilds.GatewayGuild]:
        """Get the object of this interaction's guild guild from the cache.

            The object of the guild if found, else `None`.
        if self.guild_id and isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):

        return None

    async def fetch_parent_message(self) -> messages.Message:
        """Fetch the message which this interaction was triggered on.

            The requested message.

            If `token` is not available.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the webhook is not found or the webhook's message wasn't found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await self.fetch_message(

    def get_parent_message(self) -> typing.Optional[messages.PartialMessage]:
        """Get the message which this interaction was triggered on from the cache.

            The object of the message found in the cache or `None`.
        if isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):

        return None

Represents a component interaction on Discord.

Variables and properties

The client application that models may use for procedures.

ID of the application this interaction belongs to.

ID of the channel this interaction was triggered in.

#  component_type: Union[hikari.messages.ComponentType, int]

The type of component which triggers this interaction.

Note: This will never be ButtonStyle.LINK as link buttons don't trigger interactions.

#  created_at: datetime.datetime

When the object was created.

#  custom_id: str

Developer defined ID of the component which triggered this interaction.

ID of the guild this interaction was triggered in.

This will be None for component interactions triggered in DMs.

#  guild_locale: Union[str, hikari.locales.Locale, NoneType]

The preferred language of the guild this component interaction was triggered in.

This will be None for component interactions triggered in DMs.

Note: This value can usually only be changed if COMMUNITY is in hikari.guilds.Guild.features for the guild and will otherwise default to en-US.

#  locale: Union[str, hikari.locales.Locale]

The selected language of the user who triggered this component interaction.

The member who triggered this interaction.

This will be None for interactions triggered in DMs.

Note: This member object comes with the extra field permissions which contains the member's permissions in the current channel.

Object of the message the components for this interaction are attached to.

#  token: str

The interaction's token.

The type of interaction this is.

The user who triggered this interaction.

#  values: Sequence[str]

Sequence of the values which were selected for a select menu component.

#  version: int

Version of the interaction system this interaction is under.

ID used to execute this entity as a webhook.

#  def __init__(
   channel_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   component_type: Union[hikari.messages.ComponentType, int],
   custom_id: str,
   values: Sequence[str],
   guild_id: Optional[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake],
   guild_locale: Union[str, hikari.locales.Locale, NoneType],
   message: hikari.messages.Message,
   member: Optional[hikari.interactions.base_interactions.InteractionMember],
   user: hikari.users.User,
   locale: Union[str, hikari.locales.Locale],
   app: hikari.traits.RESTAware,
   id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake,
   type: 'typing.Union[InteractionType, int]',
   token: str,
   version: int
View Source
def __init__(self, channel_id, component_type, custom_id, values, guild_id, guild_locale, message, member, user, locale, *, app, id, application_id, type, token, version): = app = id
    self.application_id = application_id
    self.type = type
    self.token = token
    self.version = version
    self.channel_id = channel_id
    self.component_type = component_type
    self.custom_id = custom_id
    self.values = values
    self.guild_id = guild_id
    self.guild_locale = guild_locale
    self.message = message
    self.member = member
    self.user = user
    self.locale = locale

Method generated by attrs for class ComponentInteraction.

#  def build_deferred_response(
   type_: Literal[<ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE: 5>, 5, <ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE: 6>, 6],
) -> hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionDeferredBuilder:
View Source
    def build_deferred_response(self, type_: _DeferredTypesT, /) -> special_endpoints.InteractionDeferredBuilder:
        """Get a deferred message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

        .. note::
            For interactions received over the gateway
            `ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response` should be used to set
            the interaction response message.

        .. note::
            Unlike `hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder`,
            the result of this call can be returned as is without any modifications
            being made to it.

        type_ : typing.Union[int, hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType]
            The type of deferred response this should be.

            This may be one of the following:

            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE`
            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE`

            Deferred interaction message response builder object.
        if type_ not in _DEFERRED_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type passed for a deferred response")


Get a deferred message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

Note: For interactions received over the gateway ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response should be used to set the interaction response message.

Note: Unlike hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder, the result of this call can be returned as is without any modifications being made to it.

#  def build_response(
   type_: Literal[<ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE: 4>, 4, <ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE: 7>, 7],
) -> hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder:
View Source
    def build_response(self, type_: _ImmediateTypesT, /) -> special_endpoints.InteractionMessageBuilder:
        """Get a message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

        .. note::
            For interactions received over the gateway
            `ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response` should be used to set
            the interaction response message.

        type_ : typing.Union[int, hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType]
            The type of immediate response this should be.

            This may be one of the following:

            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE`
            * `hikari.interactions.base_interactions.ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE`

        async def handle_component_interaction(interaction: ComponentInteraction) -> InteractionMessageBuilder:
            return (
                .add_embed(Embed(description="Hi there"))

            Interaction message response builder object.
        if type_ not in _IMMEDIATE_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("Invalid type passed for an immediate response")


Get a message response builder for use in the REST server flow.

Note: For interactions received over the gateway ComponentInteraction.create_initial_response should be used to set the interaction response message.

async def handle_component_interaction(interaction: ComponentInteraction) -> InteractionMessageBuilder:
    return (
        .add_embed(Embed(description="Hi there"))
#  async def create_initial_response(
   response_type: ~_CommandResponseTypesT,
   content: Union[Any, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   flags: Union[int, hikari.messages.MessageFlag, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   tts: Union[bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachment: Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachments: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO]], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   component: Union[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   components: Union[Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   embed: Union[hikari.embeds.Embed, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   embeds: Union[Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   mentions_everyone: Union[bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   user_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.users.PartialUser, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   role_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.guilds.PartialRole, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED
) -> None:
View Source
    async def create_initial_response(
        response_type: _CommandResponseTypesT,
        content: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        flags: typing.Union[int, messages.MessageFlag, undefined.UndefinedType] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        tts: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachment: undefined.UndefinedOr[files.Resourceish] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachments: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[files.Resourceish]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        component: undefined.UndefinedOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        components: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embed: undefined.UndefinedOr[embeds_.Embed] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embeds: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[embeds_.Embed]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        mentions_everyone: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        user_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[users.PartialUser], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        role_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[guilds.PartialRole], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> None:
        """Create the initial response for this interaction.

        .. warning::
            Calling this on an interaction which already has an initial
            response will result in this raising a `hikari.errors.NotFoundError`.
            This includes if the REST interaction server has already responded
            to the request.

        response_type : typing.Union[int, CommandResponseTypesT]
            The type of interaction response this is.

        Other Parameters
        content : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any]
            If provided, the message contents. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then nothing will be sent
            in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a

            If this is a `hikari.embeds.Embed` and no `embed` nor `embeds` kwarg
            is provided, then this will instead update the embed. This allows
            for simpler syntax when sending an embed alone.
        attachment : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.files.Resourceish],
            If provided, the message attachment. This can be a resource,
            or string of a path on your computer or a URL.
        attachments : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.files.Resourceish]],
            If provided, the message attachments. These can be resources, or
            strings consisting of paths on your computer or URLs.
        component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]
            If provided, builder object of the component to include in this message.
        components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]]
            If provided, a sequence of the component builder objects to include
            in this message.
        embed : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.embeds.Embed]
            If provided, the message embed.
        embeds : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed]]
            If provided, the message embeds.
        flags : typing.Union[int, hikari.messages.MessageFlag, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType]
            If provided, the message flags this response should have.

            As of writing the only message flag which can be set here is
        tts : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool]
            If provided, whether the message will be read out by a screen
            reader using Discord's TTS (text-to-speech) system.
        mentions_everyone : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool]
            If provided, whether the message should parse @everyone/@here
        user_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.users.PartialUser], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all user mentions will be detected.
            If provided, and `False`, all user mentions will be ignored
            if appearing in the message body.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.users.PartialUser` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific users.
        role_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.guilds.PartialRole], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all role mentions will be detected.
            If provided, and `False`, all role mentions will be ignored
            if appearing in the message body.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.guilds.PartialRole` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific roles.

            If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for
            `role_mentions` or `user_mentions`.
            If both `embed` and `embeds` are specified.
            This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages
            being empty with no embeds; messages with more than
            2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed
            limits; invalid image URLs in embeds.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the interaction is not found or if the interaction's initial
            response has already been created.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        """  # noqa: E501 - Line too long

Create the initial response for this interaction.

Warning: Calling this on an interaction which already has an initial response will result in this raising a hikari.errors.NotFoundError. This includes if the REST interaction server has already responded to the request.

  • response_type (typing.Union[int, CommandResponseTypesT]): The type of interaction response this is.
Other Parameters
  • ValueError: If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions.
  • TypeError: If both embed and embeds are specified.
  • hikari.errors.BadRequestError: This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; invalid image URLs in embeds.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the interaction is not found or if the interaction's initial response has already been created.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def delete_initial_response(self) -> None:
View Source
    async def delete_initial_response(self) -> None:
        """Delete the initial response of this interaction.

            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the interaction or response is not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        await, self.token)

Delete the initial response of this interaction.

  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the interaction or response is not found.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def delete_message(
   message: Union[hikari.messages.Message, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]
) -> None:
View Source
    async def delete_message(self, message: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[messages_.Message]) -> None:
        """Delete a given message in a given channel.

        message : hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.messages.PartialMessage]
            The message to delete. This may be the object or the ID of
            an existing message.

            If `token` is not available.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the webhook or the message are not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        if self.token is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot delete a message using a webhook where we don't know the token")

        await, token=self.token, message=message)

Delete a given message in a given channel.

  • ValueError: If token is not available.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the webhook or the message are not found.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def edit_initial_response(
   content: Union[Any, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachment: Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachments: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO]], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   component: Union[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   components: Union[Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   embed: Union[hikari.embeds.Embed, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   embeds: Union[Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   replace_attachments: bool = False,
   mentions_everyone: Union[bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   user_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.users.PartialUser, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   role_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.guilds.PartialRole, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED
) -> hikari.messages.Message:
View Source
    async def edit_initial_response(
        content: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Any] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachment: undefined.UndefinedOr[files.Resourceish] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachments: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[files.Resourceish]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        component: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        components: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embed: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[embeds_.Embed] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embeds: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[embeds_.Embed]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        replace_attachments: bool = False,
        mentions_everyone: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        user_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[users.PartialUser], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        role_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[guilds.PartialRole], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> messages.Message:
        """Edit the initial response of this command interaction.

        .. note::
            Mentioning everyone, roles, or users in message edits currently
            will not send a push notification showing a new mention to people
            on Discord. It will still highlight in their chat as if they
            were mentioned, however.

        .. warning::
            If you specify a text `content`, `mentions_everyone`,
            `mentions_reply`, `user_mentions`, and `role_mentions` will default
            to `False` as the message will be re-parsed for mentions. This will
            also occur if only one of the four are specified

            This is a limitation of Discord's design. If in doubt, specify all
            four of them each time.

        Other Parameters
        content : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Any]
            If provided, the message contents. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then nothing will be sent
            in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a

            If this is a `hikari.embeds.Embed` and neither the
            `embed` or `embeds` kwargs are provided or if this is a
            `hikari.files.Resourceish` and neither the `attachment` or
            `attachments` kwargs are provided, the values will be overwritten.
            This allows for simpler syntax when sending an embed or an
            attachment alone.

            Likewise, if this is a `hikari.files.Resource`, then the
            content is instead treated as an attachment if no `attachment` and
            no `attachments` kwargs are provided.
        attachment : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.files.Resourceish]
            If provided, the attachment to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous attachment, if
            present, is not changed. If this is `None`, then the
            attachment is removed, if present. Otherwise, the new attachment
            that was provided will be attached.
        attachments : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.files.Resourceish]]
            If provided, the attachments to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous attachments, if
            present, are not changed. If this is `None`, then the
            attachments is removed, if present. Otherwise, the new attachments
            that were provided will be attached.
        component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]
            If provided, builder object of the component to set for this message.
            This component will replace any previously set components and passing
            `None` will remove all components.
        components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]]
            If provided, a sequence of the component builder objects set for
            this message. These components will replace any previously set
            components and passing `None` or an empty sequence will
            remove all components.
        embed : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.embeds.Embed]
            If provided, the embed to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous embed(s) are not changed.
            If this is `None` then any present embeds are removed.
            Otherwise, the new embed that was provided will be used as the
        embeds : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed]]
            If provided, the embeds to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous embed(s) are not changed.
            If this is `None` then any present embeds are removed.
            Otherwise, the new embeds that were provided will be used as the
        replace_attachments: bool
            Whether to replace the attachments with the provided ones. Defaults
            to `False`.

            Note this will also overwrite the embed attachments.
        mentions_everyone : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool]
            If provided, whether the message should parse @everyone/@here
        user_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.users.PartialUser], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all user mentions will be detected.
            If provided, and `False`, all user mentions will be ignored
            if appearing in the message body.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.users.PartialUser` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific users.
        role_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.guilds.PartialRole], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all role mentions will be detected.
            If provided, and `False`, all role mentions will be ignored
            if appearing in the message body.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.guilds.PartialRole` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific roles.

            The edited message.

            If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for
            `role_mentions` or `user_mentions`.
            If both `embed` and `embeds` are specified.
            This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages
            being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than
            2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed
            limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large;
            invalid image URLs in embeds; too many components.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the interaction or the message are not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        """  # noqa: E501 - Line too long
        return await

Edit the initial response of this command interaction.

Note: Mentioning everyone, roles, or users in message edits currently will not send a push notification showing a new mention to people on Discord. It will still highlight in their chat as if they were mentioned, however.

Warning: If you specify a text content, mentions_everyone, mentions_reply, user_mentions, and role_mentions will default to False as the message will be re-parsed for mentions. This will also occur if only one of the four are specified

This is a limitation of Discord's design. If in doubt, specify all four of them each time.

Other Parameters
  • ValueError: If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions.
  • TypeError: If both embed and embeds are specified.
  • hikari.errors.BadRequestError: This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large; invalid image URLs in embeds; too many components.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the interaction or the message are not found.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def edit_message(
   message: Union[hikari.messages.Message, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int],
   content: Union[Any, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachment: Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachments: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO]], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   component: Union[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   components: Union[Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   embed: Union[hikari.embeds.Embed, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   embeds: Union[Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, NoneType] = UNDEFINED,
   replace_attachments: bool = False,
   mentions_everyone: Union[bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   user_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.users.PartialUser, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   role_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.guilds.PartialRole, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED
) -> hikari.messages.Message:
View Source
    async def edit_message(
        message: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[messages_.Message],
        content: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Any] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachment: undefined.UndefinedOr[files.Resourceish] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachments: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[files.Resourceish]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        component: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        components: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embed: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[embeds_.Embed] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embeds: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[embeds_.Embed]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        replace_attachments: bool = False,
        mentions_everyone: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        user_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[users_.PartialUser], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        role_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[guilds_.PartialRole], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> messages_.Message:
        """Edit a message sent by a webhook.

        .. note::
            Mentioning everyone, roles, or users in message edits currently
            will not send a push notification showing a new mention to people
            on Discord. It will still highlight in their chat as if they
            were mentioned, however.

        .. warning::
            If you specify a text `content`, `mentions_everyone`,
            `mentions_reply`, `user_mentions`, and `role_mentions` will default
            to `False` as the message will be re-parsed for mentions. This will
            also occur if only one of the four are specified

            This is a limitation of Discord's design. If in doubt, specify all
            four of them each time.

        message : hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.messages.PartialMessage]
            The message to delete. This may be the object or the ID of
            an existing message.
        content : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Any]
            If provided, the message contents. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then nothing will be sent
            in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a

            If this is a `hikari.embeds.Embed` and no `embed` nor
            no `embeds` kwarg is provided, then this will instead
            update the embed. This allows for simpler syntax when
            sending an embed alone.

            Likewise, if this is a `hikari.files.Resource`, then the
            content is instead treated as an attachment if no `attachment` and
            no `attachments` kwargs are provided.

        Other Parameters
        attachment : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.files.Resourceish]
            If provided, the attachment to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous attachment, if
            present, is not changed. If this is `None`, then the
            attachment is removed, if present. Otherwise, the new attachment
            that was provided will be attached.
        attachments : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.files.Resourceish]]
            If provided, the attachments to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous attachments, if
            present, are not changed. If this is `None`, then the
            attachments is removed, if present. Otherwise, the new attachments
            that were provided will be attached.
        component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]
            If provided, builder object of the component to set for this message.
            This component will replace any previously set components and passing
            `None` will remove all components.
        components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]]
            If provided, a sequence of the component builder objects set for
            this message. These components will replace any previously set
            components and passing `None` or an empty sequence will
            remove all components.
        embed : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.embeds.Embed]
            If provided, the embed to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous embed(s) are not changed.
            If this is `None` then any present embeds are removed.
            Otherwise, the new embed that was provided will be used as the
        embeds : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed]]
            If provided, the embeds to set on the message. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous embed(s) are not changed.
            If this is `None` then any present embeds are removed.
            Otherwise, the new embeds that were provided will be used as the
        replace_attachments: bool
            Whether to replace the attachments with the provided ones. Defaults
            to `False`.

            Note this will also overwrite the embed attachments.
        mentions_everyone : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool]
            If provided, sanitation for `@everyone` mentions. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then the previous setting is
            not changed. If `True`, then `@everyone`/`@here` mentions
            in the message content will show up as mentioning everyone that can
            view the chat.
        user_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.users.PartialUser], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all user mentions will be detected.
            If provided, and `False`, all user mentions will be ignored
            if appearing in the message body.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.users.PartialUser` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific users.
        role_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.guilds.PartialRole], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all role mentions will be detected.
            If provided, and `False`, all role mentions will be ignored
            if appearing in the message body.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.guilds.PartialRole` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific roles.

            The edited message.

            If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for
            `role_mentions` or `user_mentions` or `token` is not available.
            If both `attachment` and `attachments` are specified or if both
            `embed` and `embeds` are specified.
            This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages
            being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than
            2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed
            limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large;
            too many components.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the webhook or the message are not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        """  # noqa: E501 - Line too long
        if self.token is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot edit a message using a webhook where we don't know the token")

        return await

Edit a message sent by a webhook.

Note: Mentioning everyone, roles, or users in message edits currently will not send a push notification showing a new mention to people on Discord. It will still highlight in their chat as if they were mentioned, however.

Warning: If you specify a text content, mentions_everyone, mentions_reply, user_mentions, and role_mentions will default to False as the message will be re-parsed for mentions. This will also occur if only one of the four are specified

This is a limitation of Discord's design. If in doubt, specify all four of them each time.

Other Parameters
  • ValueError: If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions or token is not available.
  • TypeError: If both attachment and attachments are specified or if both embed and embeds are specified.
  • hikari.errors.BadRequestError: This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large; too many components.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the webhook or the message are not found.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def execute(
   content: Union[Any, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   username: Union[str, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   avatar_url: Union[hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, str, hikari.files.URL] = UNDEFINED,
   tts: Union[bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachment: Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   attachments: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.files.Resource[Any], os.PathLike[str], str, bytes, bytearray, memoryview, _io.BytesIO, _io.StringIO]], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   component: Union[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   components: Union[Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   embed: Union[hikari.embeds.Embed, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   embeds: Union[Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed], hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   mentions_everyone: Union[bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   user_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.users.PartialUser, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   role_mentions: Union[Sequence[Union[hikari.guilds.PartialRole, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]], bool, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] = UNDEFINED,
   flags: Union[hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, int, hikari.messages.MessageFlag] = UNDEFINED
) -> hikari.messages.Message:
View Source
    async def execute(
        content: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        username: undefined.UndefinedOr[str] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        avatar_url: typing.Union[undefined.UndefinedType, str, files.URL] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        tts: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachment: undefined.UndefinedOr[files_.Resourceish] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        attachments: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[files_.Resourceish]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        component: undefined.UndefinedOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        components: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embed: undefined.UndefinedOr[embeds_.Embed] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        embeds: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[embeds_.Embed]] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        mentions_everyone: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        user_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[users_.PartialUser], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        role_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[
            typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[guilds_.PartialRole], bool]
        ] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
        flags: typing.Union[undefined.UndefinedType, int, messages_.MessageFlag] = undefined.UNDEFINED,
    ) -> messages_.Message:
        """Execute the webhook to create a message.

        .. warning::
            At the time of writing, `username` and `avatar_url` are ignored for
            interaction webhooks.

            Additionally, flags this can only be set for interaction webhooks
            and the only settable flag is EPHEMERAL; this field is just
            ignored for non-interaction webhooks.

        content : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any]
            If provided, the message contents. If
            `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then nothing will be sent
            in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a

            If this is a `hikari.embeds.Embed` and no `embed` kwarg is
            provided, then this will instead update the embed. This allows for
            simpler syntax when sending an embed alone.

            Likewise, if this is a `hikari.files.Resource`, then the
            content is instead treated as an attachment if no `attachment` and
            no `attachments` kwargs are provided.

        Other Parameters
        username : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[str]
            If provided, the username to override the webhook's username
            for this request.
        avatar_url : typing.Union[hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, hikari.files.URL, str]
            If provided, the url of an image to override the webhook's
            avatar with for this request.
        tts : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool]
            If provided, whether the message will be sent as a TTS message.
        attachment : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.files.Resourceish]
            If provided, the message attachment. This can be a resource,
            or string of a path on your computer or a URL.
        attachments : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.files.Resourceish]]
            If provided, the message attachments. These can be resources, or
            strings consisting of paths on your computer or URLs.
        component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]
            If provided, builder object of the component to include in this message.
        components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]]
            If provided, a sequence of the component builder objects to include
            in this message.
        embed : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.embeds.Embed]
            If provided, the message embed.
        embeds : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed]]
            If provided, the message embeds.
        mentions_everyone : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool]
            If provided, whether the message should parse @everyone/@here
        user_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.users.PartialUser], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all mentions will be parsed.
            If provided, and `False`, no mentions will be parsed.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.users.PartialUser` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific users.
        role_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.guilds.PartialRole], bool]]
            If provided, and `True`, all mentions will be parsed.
            If provided, and `False`, no mentions will be parsed.
            Alternatively this may be a collection of
            `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or
            `hikari.guilds.PartialRole` derivatives to enforce mentioning
            specific roles.
        flags : typing.Union[hikari.undefined.UndefinedType, int, hikari.messages.MessageFlag]
            The flags to set for this webhook message.

            The created message object.

            If the current webhook is not found.
            This can be raised if the file is too large; if the embed exceeds
            the defined limits; if the message content is specified only and
            empty or greater than `2000` characters; if neither content, file
            or embeds are specified.
            If any invalid snowflake IDs are passed; a snowflake may be invalid
            due to it being outside of the range of a 64 bit integer.
            If you pass a token that's invalid for the target webhook.
            If either `ExecutableWebhook.token` is `None` or more than 100 unique
            objects/entities are passed for `role_mentions` or `user_mentions or
            if `token` is not available.
            If both `attachment` and `attachments`, `component` and `components`
            or `embed` and `embeds` are specified.
        """  # noqa: E501 - Line too long
        if not self.token:
            raise ValueError("Cannot send a message using a webhook where we don't know the token")

        return await

Execute the webhook to create a message.

Warning: At the time of writing, username and avatar_url are ignored for interaction webhooks.

Additionally, flags this can only be set for interaction webhooks and the only settable flag is EPHEMERAL; this field is just ignored for non-interaction webhooks.

  • content (hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any]): If provided, the message contents. If hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED, then nothing will be sent in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a str.

    If this is a hikari.embeds.Embed and no embed kwarg is provided, then this will instead update the embed. This allows for simpler syntax when sending an embed alone.

    Likewise, if this is a hikari.files.Resource, then the content is instead treated as an attachment if no attachment and no attachments kwargs are provided.

Other Parameters
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the current webhook is not found.
  • hikari.errors.BadRequestError: This can be raised if the file is too large; if the embed exceeds the defined limits; if the message content is specified only and empty or greater than 2000 characters; if neither content, file or embeds are specified. If any invalid snowflake IDs are passed; a snowflake may be invalid due to it being outside of the range of a 64 bit integer.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you pass a token that's invalid for the target webhook.
  • ValueError: If either ExecutableWebhook.token is None or more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for role_mentions or user_mentions or iftoken` is not available.
  • TypeError: If both attachment and attachments, component and components or embed and embeds are specified.
#  async def fetch_channel(self) -> hikari.channels.TextableChannel:
View Source
    async def fetch_channel(self) -> channels.TextableChannel:
        """Fetch the channel this interaction occurred in.

            The channel. This will be a _derivative_ of `hikari.channels.TextableChannel`.

            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If you are missing the `READ_MESSAGES` permission in the channel.
            If the channel is not found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        channel = await
        assert isinstance(channel, channels.TextableChannel)
        return channel

Fetch the channel this interaction occurred in.

#  async def fetch_guild(self) -> Optional[hikari.guilds.RESTGuild]:
View Source
    async def fetch_guild(self) -> typing.Optional[guilds.RESTGuild]:
        """Fetch the guild this interaction happened in.

            Object of the guild this interaction happened in or `None`
            if this occurred within a DM channel.

            If you are not part of the guild.
            If the guild is not found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        if not self.guild_id:
            return None

        return await

Fetch the guild this interaction happened in.

  • typing.Optional[hikari.guilds.RESTGuild]: Object of the guild this interaction happened in or None if this occurred within a DM channel.
#  async def fetch_initial_response(self) -> hikari.messages.Message:
View Source
    async def fetch_initial_response(self) -> messages.Message:
        """Fetch the initial response of this interaction.

            Message object of the initial response.

            If you cannot access the target interaction.
            If the initial response isn't found.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await, self.token)

Fetch the initial response of this interaction.

  • hikari.errors.ForbiddenError: If you cannot access the target interaction.
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the initial response isn't found.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def fetch_message(
   message: Union[hikari.messages.Message, hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake, int]
) -> hikari.messages.Message:
View Source
    async def fetch_message(self, message: snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[messages_.Message]) -> messages_.Message:
        """Fetch an old message sent by the webhook.

        message : hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishOr[hikari.messages.PartialMessage]
            The message to fetch. This may be the object or the ID of an
            existing channel.

            The requested message.

            If `token` is not available.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the webhook is not found or the webhook's message wasn't found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        if self.token is None:
            raise ValueError("Cannot fetch a message using a webhook where we don't know the token")

        return await, token=self.token, message=message)

Fetch an old message sent by the webhook.

  • ValueError: If token is not available.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the webhook is not found or the webhook's message wasn't found.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  async def fetch_parent_message(self) -> hikari.messages.Message:
View Source
    async def fetch_parent_message(self) -> messages.Message:
        """Fetch the message which this interaction was triggered on.

            The requested message.

            If `token` is not available.
            If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
            If the webhook is not found or the webhook's message wasn't found.
            Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is
            longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request.
            Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting
            rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific
            rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases,
            however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for
            rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be
            detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented
            nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
            If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
        return await self.fetch_message(

Fetch the message which this interaction was triggered on.

  • ValueError: If token is not available.
  • hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError: If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).
  • hikari.errors.NotFoundError: If the webhook is not found or the webhook's message wasn't found.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError: Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.
  • hikari.errors.RateLimitedError: Usually, Hikari will handle and retry on hitting rate-limits automatically. This includes most bucket-specific rate-limits and global rate-limits. In some rare edge cases, however, Discord implements other undocumented rules for rate-limiting, such as limits per attribute. These cannot be detected or handled normally by Hikari due to their undocumented nature, and will trigger this exception if they occur.
  • hikari.errors.InternalServerError: If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.
#  def get_channel(
) -> Union[hikari.channels.GuildTextChannel, hikari.channels.GuildNewsChannel, NoneType]:
View Source
    def get_channel(self) -> typing.Union[channels.GuildTextChannel, channels.GuildNewsChannel, None]:
        """Get the guild channel this interaction occurred in.

        .. note::
            This will always return `None` for interactions triggered
            in a DM channel.

        typing.Union[hikari.channels.GuildTextChannel, hikari.channels.GuildNewsChannel, None]
            The object of the guild channel that was found in the cache or
        if isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):
            channel =
            assert isinstance(channel, (channels.GuildTextChannel, channels.GuildNewsChannel))
            return channel

        return None

Get the guild channel this interaction occurred in.

Note: This will always return None for interactions triggered in a DM channel.

#  def get_guild(self) -> Optional[hikari.guilds.GatewayGuild]:
View Source
    def get_guild(self) -> typing.Optional[guilds.GatewayGuild]:
        """Get the object of this interaction's guild guild from the cache.

            The object of the guild if found, else `None`.
        if self.guild_id and isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):

        return None

Get the object of this interaction's guild guild from the cache.

#  def get_parent_message(self) -> Optional[hikari.messages.PartialMessage]:
View Source
    def get_parent_message(self) -> typing.Optional[messages.PartialMessage]:
        """Get the message which this interaction was triggered on from the cache.

            The object of the message found in the cache or `None`.
        if isinstance(, traits.CacheAware):

        return None

Get the message which this interaction was triggered on from the cache.

#  ComponentResponseTypesT